The latest updates about
Saturdays *8am - 4pm
*Vendors are available either AM (until noon), PM or All Day
School Street , Holmfirth
Our market has a variety of vendors offering a wide range of goods. View the calendar for vendors who are scheduled on Market days.
Some of the offerings from vendors:
Holmfirth Forward, a not for profit company, has taken over the market license from Kirklees Council. The company comprises local volunteers who want to keep the market going.
Once the work on the Town Centre Access Plan is completed the market will return to the Huddersfield Road and Hollowgate area. The new market square will be a place for local people and visitors to come to. Back to the lively, thriving, exciting, bustling outdoor market we all want to see.
In the meantime, we are operating on School Street next to the Crown Bottom car park. The market is open on Thursday and Saturday mornings.
Currently, we have a fruit and veg stall, as well as cheese, bread and fish stalls. If you are interested in having a stall, please email us at:
The market’s future success is in your hands. So please make sure you visit the stalls and support the traders.
We have limited stalls available. If you would like to register for a stall please use the form or get in touch via email.
Once registered we will send you an email with a link for you to login and book a stall.
Register for Stall
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